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Home Bread (Kousha Bread)


Home Bread (Kousha Bread)

Home Bread (Kousha Bread) 

Homemade bread is crisp and brown in 10 minutes 


  • 2 cups of warm water 
  • A tablespoon of bread yeast
  • A tablespoon of sugar
  • Teaspoon salt
  • A bag of sweet yeast 
  • A quarter cup of oil 
  • 6 tablespoons fine semolina
  • And the flour according to the dough 


Warm water, add yeast, sugar and salt, mix a little and leave it for 10 minutes.

 Add oil, semolina and sweet yeast, mix and finally the oven until we get a soft dough. 

We empty it in the oven tray and brush an egg from the oven with a little coffee and leave it for 20 minutes to ferment and put it in the oven, it will be hot beforehand and when it is cooked at 180 for a period of time. 

For half an hour, take the tray out, cover it with a kitchen towel until it cools, and cut it....


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